Take a look at the examples of cured cases, and see how Hydro Ozone Therapy System can be widely used
1. Transverse echogram showing fluid within the cavity of the tendon sheath (TS), front limb, 9,8 x 6,4mm, thickening of the TS wall 2,8mm and subcutaneous tissue swelling 5mm, annular ligament (AL), normal
2. After one month there is less fluid within TS cavity 6,5mm: TS wall 1,9mm, subcutaneous tissue 2,4mm
3. Two month after injury on the echogram - improvement. Less fluid in TS cavity 5 mm, TS wall thickening 2,7mm
4. Three month after injury progression of healing on the echogram. Less fluid TS cavity 2,1mm, subcutaneous tissue normal
USG made 17.12.2019 r. Visible area with reduced echogenicity (marked with an arrow). Superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) injury.
Control ultrasound performed on 07.02.2020. The injuried area is reduced (arrow). Condition improvement.
Radomir Henklewski Ph.D.
Department of Veterinary Surgery,
Institute of Veterinary Medicine,
Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences,
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland
mobile: +48 606 203 668
email: radomir.h@gmail.com
ul. Ziemowita 3a
80-354 Gdańsk, Poland
Artur Pawłowski [ Languages: PL / DE ]
+48 602 387 756